Thursday, October 17, 2013

Active Directory Bulk User Creation

Install the Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell on a Member Server
1.       Log into a Windows 2008 R2 (or above) member server
2.       Launch PowerShell
3.       Enter Import-Module ServerManager 
4.       Enter Add-WindowsFeature RSAT-AD-PowerShell
5.       Enter Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
Install/Configure Active Directory User Creation Tool
1.       Log into a Windows 2008 R2 (or above) member server or a Windows 7 (or above) workstation
2.       Download the Active Directory User Creation Tool
3.       Right-click the downloaded file (ANUC.ps1) and choose Run With PowerShell
4.       When prompted, click Yes to create a new .XML file and click OK
5.       Edit the .XML file that appears, changing the  value to False
6.       Save and closet the .XML file
7.       Right-click ANUC.ps1 and choose Run With PowerShell
8.       Click File –> Create CSV Template and save the file as ImportUsersIntoAD.csv
9.       From a computer that has a .csv editor installed, edit ImportUsersIntoAD.csv
10.   Populate the user attributes, using the Windows Attributes Guide for reference and save changes   **The sAMAccountName and Password fields MUST be populated for the users will not be created
11.   Right-click ANUC.ps1 and choose Run With PowerShell
12.   Click File –> CSV Mode
13.   Click Import CSV, browse to the ImportUsersIntoAD.csv file and click Open 

14.   Click Submit All

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